Gift Cottage Industries










GCI- 220 GCI- 221 GCI- 222 GCI- 223





GCI-224 GCI- 225 GCI- 226 GCI- 227





GCI-228 GCI- 229 GCI- 230 GCI- 231





GCI- 232 GCI- 233 GCI- 234 GCI- 235





      GO TO TOP



SILK CARPETS - 2' x 3', 2' 1/2 x 4', 3' x 3', 3' x 5', 4' x 6',

7' x 5', 6' x 9', 9' x 12'

We are committed to provide our customers with innovative designs, latest styles and dedicated work culture. We have been constantly churning out a very attractive range of products.